Auto Insurance Coverage in Florida

Florida law mandates that drivers carry at least minimum levels of car insurance coverage – this includes personal injury protection and property damage liability protection.
Some drivers may also choose to purchase bodily injury liability policies, which can help cover medical costs if another driver is injured in an accident caused by them. While these plans tend to cost more than their minimum coverage requirements, these can provide important additional support should an accident happen that results in injuries to either party involved.
Personal Injury Protection (PIP)
Prior to Florida making PIP insurance a mandatory requirement, injured drivers often experienced lengthy delays before receiving funds to cover medical costs and other expenses associated with an auto accident. SteinLaw can help ensure clients obtain maximum benefits possible under PIP insurance policies.
PIP coverage (sometimes referred to as no-fault insurance) covers medical expenses from any auto accidents regardless of who was at fault, typically up to $10,000 for emergency treatment and associated costs.
PIP may cover medical bills as well as replacement services like house cleaning and child care if your benefits from PIP don’t cover everything you owe; otherwise it may be wise to purchase bodily injury liability coverage to supplement what PIP can provide.
Property Damage Liability (PDL)
Florida property damage liability covers damages to vehicles or other properties caused by you and/or your family members during an accident, as well as damaged fences, gates, or posts caused by vehicles.
Insurance experts advise drivers in Florida to purchase more than the minimum PIP and PDL coverage required by state law, in order to safeguard their assets and obtain a larger settlement should any accident occur. Purchasing more coverage allows drivers to maximize protection of assets as well as more favorable settlement offers should an accident occur.
Collision coverage in Florida may not be legally mandated, but many drivers opt to add it as protection from costly repairs after being involved in an accident with another vehicle or object, and against uninsured/underinsured motorist claims. It also offers added peace of mind from any possible high settlement amounts from claims for uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage claims.
Bodily Injury Liability (BIL)
Bodily Injury Liability (BIL) insurance covers injuries you cause to others when driving your car, such as medical bills, lost wages and legal expenses. Bodily injury liability coverage is part of most auto policies with limits usually stated as three numbers like 25/50/25 for example.
Florida is one of the only few states which does not mandate bodily injury liability coverage, although it is recommended to all drivers. At minimum, PIP and BIL coverage will help to cover medical bills of injured passengers in an accident, although in severe cases this may not cover everything; you will likely have to sue another driver for any remaining damages owed to injured parties.
MedPay (medical payments coverage) is an optional car insurance feature that pays for medical expenses incurred after an accident – regardless of who was at fault – regardless of who is to blame. Monthly premiums tend to be under $10 without incurring deductibles or co-pays.
Med Pay provides coverage for up to 20% of medical bill costs that your PIP insurance does not, including any after the maximum limits have been exhausted. It protects both you and those in your vehicle but does not extend to family members listed on the policy.
If you already have health insurance with ample PIP coverage, MedPay might not be necessary; however, if neither exist it’s worth considering as an additional form of protection.
SR-22 or FR-44
Both the SR22 and FR44 serve a similar function of verifying drivers have liability insurance coverage. The main distinction between them lies in when they’re required – typically, for DUI offenses or driving while suspended license. Furthermore, FR44 policies typically have higher liability coverage limits than their SR22 counterparts.
Once SR22 or FR44 forms are no longer necessary, your rates should decrease accordingly. Unfortunately, not all insurers offer such policies, so shopping around for the best rate is important – Cost-U-Less can help by quickly providing quotes from Florida’s premier carriers in just minutes – simply click here and fill out a short information form!